Graphics from the Framework

All graphics used in the Framework are open source and can be used and adapted in any form to support the reward and evaluation of university teaching worldwide. The following three graphics can be downloaded below as pdfs with editable text.

When using the graphics, we would be grateful if you could include a link the Advancing Teaching or Career Framework websites as a source for background information.


pdf with editable text

Promotion criteria

Pyramid graphic outlining the promotion criteria for each level of the Framework


pdf with editable text

Spheres of influence

Graphic showing the spheres of influence corresponding to each level of the Framework


pdf with editable text

Evidence table

Table outlining examples of evidence that could be used at each Framework level

Promotion criteria

Pyramid graphic summarising promotion criteria for each Framework level


Spheres of influence graphic corresponding to each level of the Framework

Evidence table

Table outlining examples of evidence that could be used at each Framework level